fnctId=prof,fnctNo=362 강성모 직위(직급) 교수 연구실 교육융합관 708호 교수전공 및 연구분야 위상수학 연락처 062-530-2477 이메일 skang4450@jnu.ac.kr 홈페이지 - 논문 - Tunnel-number-one knot exteriors disjoint from proper power curves, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 315 (2022), 369-418 - 수학학습 멘토링이 예비수학교사의 수학교수지식(MKT)에 미치는 영향, 이헌수, 김솔, 강성모 (2021), 한국학교수학회논문집, 제 24권, 제 4호, 327-348. - (with Bo-hyun Kwon) Rectangle conditions and families of 3-bridge prime knots, Topology and its Applications 291 (2021) 107453, 1-13. - Primitive, proper power, and Seifert curves in the boundary of a genus two handlebody, Topology and its Applications 290 (2021) 107581, 1-23. - Hyperbolic tunnel-number-one knots with Seifert-fibered Dehn Surgeries, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 29, No. 11 (2020) 2050075-1−28. - Dehn Surgeries on middle/hyper doubly Seifert twisted torus knots, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 57, No. 1 (2020) 1−30. - Examples of knots in admitting Seifert-fibered surgeries over with four exceptional fibers, Honam Mathematical J. 40, No. 3 (2018) 591−600. - 발생적 모델링을 활용한 로그 단원 교수•학습 자료 개발 및 적용 사례, 오장록, 강성모 (2017), 한국학교수학회논문집, 제 20권, 제 2호, 91-117. - Twisted torus knots with graph manifold Dehn surgeries, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 53, No. 1 (2016) 273−301 - Knots admitting Seifert-fibered surgeries over with four exceptional fibers, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 52, No. 1 (2015) 313−321. - Knots in admitting graph manifold Dehn surgeries, J. Korean Math. Soc. 51, No. 6 (2014) 1221−1250. - Primitive/Seifert knots which are not twisted torus knot position, Honam Mathematical J. 35, No. 4 (2013) 775−791. - Examples of reducible and finite Dehn fillings, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 19, No. 5 (2010) 677 – 694. - Reducible and Toroidal Dehn Fillings with Distance 3, Topology 47 (2008) 277−315. 저서 위상수학, 홍성복, 강성모 역(2020), 교우사, (원서명 및 원저자: Introduction to Topology, Pure and Applied, Colin Adams, Robert Franzosa(2007), Pearson)